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North Dakota Female Business Owners Lead the Nation

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2017 | Firm News

We’ve shared previously our excitement about the business climate in North Dakota in general, and in Fargo specifically. That enthusiasm is because our firm is so deeply rooted in our community – our attorneys, staff, and leadership are prairie rose through and through. We love North Dakota and have had tremendous success supporting small and large business owners, as well as entrepreneurs here in this state. Far too often, however, when people think “business owner,” they think men. But at Kennelly Business Law, a huge amount of our business clients are owned or run by women. While March was Women’s History Month, we know that every month represents an opportunity for female business leaders to grow, lead, and succeed. That’s one of the reasons we were so thrilled to read this article recently published in the Fargo Forum. The article notes that small business website Fundera ranked North Dakota as the number one state in the nation for female entrepreneurs. This number one spot was bolstered by a number two national ranking for the state’s five-year growth in average revenue of women-owned businesses (nearly 120%) and third in average revenue for women-owned businesses. Our region is doubly blessed, as Minnesota was ranked fourth overall nationally. We’re always pleased to see our region recognized nationally as a leader in business – congratulations to the many impressive female business leaders in the Fargo-Moorhead region! Are you an entrepreneur? Contact Chris Kennelly at [email protected] or any one of our dedicated business law experts at 701-526-4822 for further assistance today!

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