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Kennelly Business Law Network TAGLaw Globally Recognized

On Behalf of | May 25, 2017 | Firm News

For a law firm in Fargo, North Dakota, Kennelly Business Law strives every day to deliver expert guidance to our clients, akin to the level of service they’d receive from any firm in a larger metropolitan area. In fact, that’s one of our key goals – deliver big city expertise with small town service, all right here in your backyard. We’re able to do that both by the incredible in-house legal team we employ, but also through a variety of industry resources and networks that keep us up to date on changes in laws, new decisions, and the most current opportunities to assist our business clients. One such resource is the global legal network to which we belong – TAGLaw. TAGLaw is a global alliance of more than 160 independent law firms in over 90 countries, providing legal services to companies ranging from the Fortune 5000 and leading small businesses, to high net worth individuals. TAGLaw members are invited to join TAGLaw only after undergoing a comprehensive vetting and selection process. Firms are carefully chosen based on professional competence, commitment to client service, reputation within the legal community and recommendations from existing members. Candidate firms are reviewed and if they satisfy TAGLaw’s criteria, the TAGLaw Advisory Board approves the candidate as a member. As a member of TAGLaw, Kennelly Business Law was thrilled to learn that the group was named an Elite Law Firm Network by Chambers & Partners. Chambers is recognized as the preeminent source in the legal world for measuring industry performance.   This is the fourth time the TAGLaw network received this ranking since Chambers began ranking networks in 2013. We’re obviously very excited about this global recognition and being able to bring these incredible resources to the table for our clients across North Dakota and Minnesota. Contact us today at 701-526-4822 to find out how we can put this global expertise to work for your business!

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