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North Dakota Top State in the Country for Startups

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2017 | Firm News

We know just how great it is to do business in North Dakota – our team of experienced lawyers has been helping business law clients here in the Prairie Rose State for decades. Beyond what we’ve seen for so long, others have begun to recognize it as well, as we noted in blog posts in March and April. So, it was no surprise last week when we read in the Forum that North Dakota was ranked the top state in the US for startups by the finance website WalletHub.    The WalletHub report and the Forum article noted that “North Dakota came in at No. 1 overall, earning high rankings for the average growth in number of small businesses (first), longest average work week in hours (second, tied with Wyoming) and industry variety (second). The state also ranked first for most accessible financing.” We love reading news like this, because it means our home state in making smart policy decisions and enabling business growth, unleashing the economic potential of our clients, friends, family, and neighbors. It also means that every day, more and more North Dakotans are developing ideas into products and concepts into businesses. That’s where we come in. Kennelly Business Law specializes in small businesses and startups, providing important guidance on how to form an entity to protect your assets, how to protect your intellectual property, and even just outside legal guidance to make sure that first sales order or investment is a contract in your best interest.. We love seeing businesses grow and thrive in North Dakota. Contact our business law experts today for help guiding your entrepreneurial growth, by calling 701-526-4822 or visiting to learn more!

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