The role of the executor of the estate is a huge responsibility. The executor is responsible for fulfilling the testator’s last wishes after they pass away and settling their estate. However, being the executor of someone's estate is not always easy. Failing to...
Estate Planning And Probate
Probate concerns: If representatives do not live in North Dakota
There are many scenarios in which an individual living elsewhere may have to take responsibility for the estate of someone who died in North Dakota. The surviving family members or chosen personal representative of the individual who died may not live in North Dakota...
When should you update your estate plan?
Taking the time to create a comprehensive estate plan is commendable. Considering your final wishes, advanced directives, distribution of your assets and naming a power of attorney takes a good deal of planning. However, a common mistake many people make is putting...
3 will planning mistakes that can lead to intestate
Many small mistakes can happen during the will planning process -- and that can cause you to die "intestate." Intestate means that there is no valid will, so assets are managed by the state. The state will name a representative who is responsible for managing the...
Should you add Swedish death cleaning to your estate plan?
If you have never heard of Swedish death cleaning — or döstädning, as it’s known in Swedish — you may wonder why it would be something that you ought to do. But along with other estate-planning basics like drafting a simple will and appointing a medical and legal...
How to choose the right guardian for your aging parents
As your parents age, a critical question may arise: who will care for them if they can no longer manage independently? In some cases, a guardian may be necessary to make important decisions concerning their health, finances and daily living. Choosing the right...
Should you consider antemortem (pre-death) probate?
One thing some people dread as they draft their will is that it will be challenged after their death. Families have been known to battle each other in court for any number of reasons. Some believe a decedent neglected to give them an adequate inheritance. They may...
Safeguard your legacy by keeping your will current
Creating a powerful will is about much more than making final arrangements. It also involves giving your loved ones peace of mind during a difficult time in their lives. Of course, the comfort of having your estate matters settled is beneficial, but an outdated,...
Saving a family farm from an adult child’s divorce
There are a variety of scenarios that could put a family farm at risk in North Dakota. For example, when agricultural families have multiple bad seasons back-to-back, they might find themselves in a scenario where they struggle to pay their bills and afford the...
Do not put off your estate planning
Did you know that most people don’t have an estate plan? It’s true, as recent studies have found out that roughly 2/3 of all individuals polled do not have their estate plan in place. There’s something of a caveat here, as age was not taken into account for this...